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Founding Fathers Were Not Fortune Tellers

Source: Flickr Creative Commons
Source: Flickr Creative Commons

Always the talk about the founding fathers and their grand ideas for America. Wake up, the only great vision was that no one knew for sure what the future would bring so they set about to make a system that could “Change” with the times, always stalwart with certain basic principles like provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and the likes. Another thing they did not know was how our country’s financial system would hijack our economy. Too big to fail, talk about arriving in heaven, These fat cats are laughing at us all the way to the bank. That would be an offshore bank most likely by the way. THE STOCK MARKET LARGESSE WHERE COMPANIES CAN EFFECT OUR COUNTRIES ECONOMY WITH A ONE DAY OF WALL STREET MOVEMENT.., NOR THE INTERNET, AND ALL OF THE POSSIBILITIES FOR EXPLOITATION, NOR THE ENORMOUS COMPANIES THAT WOULD COME TO “RUN” CERTAIN SEGMENTS OF OUR ECONOMY, (At the very least making the common man wonder what the term anti-trust really means). IF our founding fathers would have known of the future, they would most certainly would have put certain limits in place. Reasonable is just as much a part of freedom as is lack of bondage. THEY WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT THERE NEEDS TO BE RULES IN “FREEDOM” TO ASSURE “FREEDOM” FOR EVERYONE. I”M CERTAIN OF IT.

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